We hope that by now you have heard of Camp Restore, a ministry of Mt Calvary Lutheran Church on Seymour and Chalmers. In case you have not, we house and feed volunteers from across the country and send them out to do service within our community - almost all within the 9th precinct. Some come for a day at a time, others stay for a week. Most work projects are community driven, with needs identified by leaders within our neighborhood. We provide the hands and willing spirit to work in partnership with block clubs and residents to better our community, while the community provides the projects, most of the materials, and any available volunteers.
For our 2019 season, we would like to extend the scope of work, helping homeowners not only stay in their houses, but working together to ensure that those houses are safe, livable, and manageable. We would love to be able to come alongside members of our community and work towards this goal. We would love to form relationships and help where help is needed. If you or anyone you know needs this type of assistance, please share this letter and an application with them. Community members of the 9th precinct can also obtain this packet at Camp Restore. Below we have tried to answer a few questions for you!
What type of Work? We can do outdoor or indoor work both large and small but Camp Restore is dependent on volunteers who are willing and able to accomplish the work. Some jobs, for example roofing or electrical, are very difficult to find volunteers that have the skills to help, so these jobs may take much longer to accomplish.
Who supplies the materials? When a homeowner is able to supply materials, the job is much easier to accomplish. We (Camp Restore) are unable to provide funds for projects because while we do charge for housing, we are nowhere near breaking even on our ministry once we pay for building code issues, housing, food, and a minimal staff. If there is a need for assistance with buying materials, the work will wait until a group comes in that has both the money and skills to put towards the projects.
What is the Homeowner’s Commitment? We strongly believe that everyone has something to bring to the table, whether that be their time, talents, or resources, so homeowners will be asked to give of at least one of those areas. After the family is chosen, they will be part of the planning and working.
What is the process? Fill out and submit an application (which can be download below) to Camp Restore no later than Feb. 15, 2019, by returning this application to your block club leader. If you do not have a block club leader, please drop your form off at Mt Calvary Lutheran Church on Seymour and Chalmers, between the hours of 7am and 3pm Monday through Friday. Following this, there will be a family interview and Camp Restore will identify families we believe we can assist. A Family Project List will be compiled, incoming volunteers will identify which projects they can handle, families will be contacted and work dates set up. This process can take several months or longer as we wait for the right fit of campers and homeowners in terms of projects and skills.
We pray that by working together we can all make our community a place of hope and comfort!
Serving Him in Our Work and Play,
Pastor Carrier and The Camp Restore Team
For a copy of the above letter, please download the file below:
Below is the Restoration Service Application. To view the application in your browser before downloading, right click on "Download File", then click on "Open Link in New Tab".